Poker Winning Software

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Holdem genius works

I have averaged $224 a day since I got the software (Holdem Genius). What I love about it is the pot-odds calculator there are times I thought I should fold when I should have called in the past. I have been playing poker for a couple years now and I make a nice side income thanks to you from online poker and now I think I do this for a living thanks to you.
Best Regards,Chase T.

Holdem Genius isn't only the greatest training tool I have encountered, but if you won't let pride get in the way, it is the best way to get back on track.
Billy P.AtLOVE

Holdem Genius. It helps me with all of those "borderline" hands.
Thanks againA. S.

Thanks for the tip on Holdem Genius. I have just recently been a net-positive player on other poker websites, but after making my first deposit at and then using the software, I have more than doubled my account in less than a week.Jay S.Monterey, CA
To say that it (Holdem Genius) has merely helped my game would be a gross understatement.
Alex, Massachusetts


As for the software, Calculatem Pro, I like it. I like that it gives me more options for making decisions. You guys have really produced a top notch product. Keep up the good work.
Anne M.
Calculatem Pro is superb and very clever software. Really helps and highlights plays which I wouldn't normally play. To be honest I am a tourney player rather than ring game. Was just trying to earn the hands quickly on the cash tables so I can use Pro at my favourite sites (Betfair & Eurobet)...seem to do really well there.
Thanks again,

I've been using Calculatem for several months and Calculatem Pro for the past week or so. I thought Calculatem was great, Pro is fantastic!Mark S.
I really like Calculatem Pro, i used taxas calculatem, but the pot odds calculator really helps!Aram V.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Get Sponsored

Be a sponsored online poker player and make extra money. PokerInside has current openings for sponsorships. When you sign up you will get $20 automaticly deposited into your account. You will also get 40% rackeback, and monthly bonuses. EASY MONEY!
Click Below

OPI Bots on Ebay

Online holdem inspector bots can now be bought on ebay. Users are reporting large profits using this type of bot. OPI bots use a auto scripting feature that operates off of OPI's decision engine. No manual work is necessary, just turn it on and let win.
Click below to get OPI

Calculatem Pro

The slickest lookin' calculator to hit the poker software scene.Calculatem Pro™ uses the latest, most sophisticated technology and algorithms to instantly calculate hand AND pot odds - bringing you the most accurate advice in a sleek, easy-to-use interface. Calculatem Pro's™ unmatched capabilities allow you to act quicker - and smarter - than your opponents so you win more pots.
There are a few key features of Calculatem Pro that make itan essensial part of your Poker game:
MINI MODE - Calculatem Pro also "collapses" into a minimode version whenever you want...
This version of the interface takes up less space but stillshows you the most crucial calculations. This is AWESOME ifyou play multiple tables at once or want to save the screenspace.
ODDS ON NEXT CARD - Calculatem Pro will show you the exact odds of "hitting" by the river... just like Genius. But it also allows you to see the odds of making hands on the NEXT CARD, a feature no other odds calculator has.
Slick Style- The Calculatem Pro interface is brilliant. It uses "toggle" functions to minimize space and maximize the amount of information shown.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Poker sponsorship

PokerInside is looking to sponsor poker players to play online. Membership is free and you will enjoy a deposit of $20 into your poker playing account. Top performers earn $500 a month in sponsorship money. In addition pokerinside members get a 30% rakeback. Of course 30% pails in comparison to a prop playing deal but its definitly a nice bonus. Other benefits of membership include.
-Free money transactions
-Refer a friend bonus
-Poker Groups, Clubs and College Based Tournaments
-Private Tournament Access
-Monthly Top Rake Rewards Given To The Top 10 Player Of Each Month


PokerProWeb claims that you can win $5000 to $10000 a month at Sit N' Go tournaments. First you must review in which a no limit holdem expert demonstrates a video using Texas Calculatem on a Pokers stars tournament. The video shows you how to develope an all in strategy as well as using hand odds to decide what pocket cards to play with. Pokerproweb also features some addition advice on Sit n go strategys.

Click the link bellow if you wish to aquire online inspector.

Online Inspector Profiles

The Super Series is a set of online Hold'em inspector profiles created by a man named Avraam Pekris. These profiles have been reported to perform well on .25/.50 ring tables with seven or more players. Of course the author would like to be compensated with a program that will win you cash. Currently you can pick up the Super Series for about 25$.

Poker Pro 2006

Poker Pro 2006 looked to be one the most advanced software for online holdem poker. But recently users have had problems using this software on popular poker sites. The developers are not answering questions and are removing negative posts from there forum. Until Poker Pro Labs come out with and updated version of this software I would advice people to look at other programs.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Holdem Genius

The Following is an article from Holdem Genius

"How To Calculate Pot Odds"
You DON'T need to be a "math genius" to understand poker odds...
Not at all.
In fact, you can be TERRIBLE at math (like me) and still be able to use "odds" to your advantage at the no-limit Holdem tables.
There are TWO main things you need to learn right away:
1. The concept of OUTS 2. The concept of POT SIZE
These are easy. Let's start with the first.
"Outs" refers to the number of cards in the deck that will complete (or "make") your hand.
For instance... if you have Ace-King and the board reads Q-J-4, you need a ten to make your straight.
Since there are four tens in the deck, you have FOUR OUTS.
Or... let's say you're holding Q-J and the boardreads K-10-5. That means you have an open-ended straight draw-- either the Ace or the nine will complete your straight.
Since there are four nines and four Aces in the deck, you have EIGHT OUTS.
Let's do one more. Let's say you've got 8-7 of clubs and the board reads 2c-Ad-Kc-3s. That means there are two clubs on the board and two in your hand. If one more club hits on the river, you'll have a flush.
There are a total of thirteen clubs in the deck (thirteen of each suit times four suits equals fifty-two cards).
But that DOESN'T mean you have thirteen outs, because you're already using four of the clubs.
Instead, you have NINE OUTS (thirteen minus four). If any of those nine cards hits on the river, you'll have a flush.
OK... so that's how you calculate OUTS. We'll do some more in-depth examples in a minute, but first let's talk about POT SIZE.
Pot size is how much money is in the pot. Pretty simple, right?
There are three main parts to pot size:
1. How much money is already in the middle 2. How much is bet in the current round of betting 3. How much WILL be bet in the current round
Let me explain.
Let's say four players call the big blind of $4 in a game. That means there's $16 in the middle.
The flop comes out. You're on the button, which means you're LAST to act. Player 1 bets $10 into the pot. Player 2 calls, and Player 3 folds. Now it's your turn. What's the current pot size?
The answer is $36. There's the $16 that was in the middle first, then $20 more from Players 1 and 2.
The $16 is the first part, the $20 is the second part, and there is no third part since you were last to act.
Let's take another look. Let's say you were SECOND TO ACT, instead of on the button.
Four players call the big blind of $4, which means there's $16 in the pot. Player 1 bets $10, and now you must make a decision. What's the pot size?
Well, it's $16 + $10 + UNKNOWN.
Why "unknown"?
The reason is you DON'T KNOW if the two players BEHIND you are going to call, raise, or fold. So you really don't KNOW the exact pot size.
This is a fundamental reason why math doesn't solve all your problems in poker. You must use your INSTINCTS to "guess" and "infer".
In this case, you would try to guess whether or not the other two players would call or fold (or raise) and make your decision then. This is also another reason why POSITIONING in a hand is so important.
One more thing about pot size before we move on...
A lot of players don't know whether to count THEIR OWN MONEY in the actual pot size.
The answer is you count your own money that's ALREADY THERE from before. In the example, your big blind of $4 is already in the pot... so you DO use it to calculate the pot size.
Once your money is in the middle, it isn't yours any more. Period.
But you would NOT include your $10 in the pot size, because you haven't put it in yet. You're THINKING about putting it in.
Make sense?
Let's say you called the $10 bet from Player 1 and the other players all folded. The turn card comes and Player 1 bets $20. What's the pot size?
Well, it's $16 from pre-flop, $20 after the flop, and now $20 after the turn.
You DO count your $10 after the flop because now it IS already in the middle.
OK... so what does OUTS and POT SIZE have to do with ODDS?
The answer is EVERYTHING.
Now that you know these two basics, you're ready to start calculating "complicated" poker odds.
To calculate odds, you need four pieces of information:
1. Number of outs 2. Number of "unknown" cards in the deck 3. Pot size 4. Current bet amount
We talked about the outs and pot size. The other two are very straightforward.
The number of "unknown" cards in the deck simply means how many cards you DON'T KNOW. Before the flop, there are 50 cards you don't know. You only know the two in your hand.
After the flop, there are 47 cards you don't know. You know the two in your hand and the three on the board and that's it.
After the turn there are 46 cards you don't know.
Like I said, this is simple stuff.
And the CURRENT BET AMOUNT is just... well, the current bet amount. It's how much you must put in the pot to "call".
OK, let's review.
Let's say you get dealt J-10 offsuit. You call the big blind of $6 and so does one other player. The small blind folds. The player in the big blind checks. That means the POT SIZE is $21 ($6 + $6 + $6 + $3).
The flop comes out Q-2-9. You've got an open-ended straight draw. Either a King or an eight will make your straight. Since there are four Kings and four eights in the deck, you've got EIGHT OUTS.
There are 47 unknown CARDS in the deck (52 cards minus the five that you see).
You're second to act. The first player bets $12. That means $12 is the CURRENT BET AMOUNT.
The POT SIZE is $21 + $12 + UNKNOWN. The unknown is what the player after you does...
So there you have it... those are the four pieces of information you need. The only thing you don't know for SURE is the pot size in this example.
Sometimes you'll know the pot size exactly (like when you have good positioning). Other times you'll just have to estimate.
OK, let's do some odds.
Here's the exact "formula":
(Unknown Cards - Outs) : Outs
Pot Size : Current Bet Amount
If the first comparison is smaller than the second one, that's good. It means that "pot odds justify a call" (or raise).
For instance, if you have 12 outs and there are 47 unknown cards, that means you have ABOUT a 25% chance of "making" your hand.
The odds against you are 35:12, or about 3:1.
Remember... when you see two numbers like X:X, the first number is the chance of one thing happening against the chance of the second thing happening. You'll miss your hand three times and make it once. That's 1/4 or 25% or 3:1.
Now let's say the pot size is $50 and the current bet amount is $10. That means the odds would be $50:$10, or 5:1.
It's easiest to look at in the X:X format and not use percentages.
OK, so here's what you've got for this example:
Outs = 12 Unknown Cards = 47Current Bet Amount = 10Pot Size = 50
There are 35 cards that WON'T HELP YOU (47 - 12).
So the odds are 35:12 for the cards.
And for the pot it's 50:10. You don't add your $10to the first number. Just use the current pot size.
35:12 is about 3:1. 50:10 equals 5:1.
The entire point of calculating odds is to make a good decision. To make a decision of whether or not to call a $10 bet here, you would compare the 3:1 versus 5:1.
The odds here are IN YOUR FAVOR.
If this scenario played out four times, here's how it would look STATISTICALLY:
- You lose $10. - You lose $10. - You win $50. - You lose $10.
You lose three times and win once (3:1). When you add your losses it equals $30 but your wins are $50, giving you a $20 profit.
If the scenario happened eight times you'd win twice and lose six times. That means you'd lose $60 and win $100... for a $40 profit.
For real life poker situations, the key is to calculate whether or not you can "justify" staying in the hand.
Let's say you have A-8 and the flop comes out:
Someone bets $10 and the pot size is $20. What should you do?
Well, you don't have anything but an Ace high. If the Ace comes on the turn, you'd have top pair. So let's ASSUME that your top pair would be the winning hand.
That means there are three cards in the deck that can help you (the other three Aces). And there are exactly 47 unknown cards in the deck.
So we have our numbers:
Outs = 3 Unknown Cards = 47 Current Bet Amount = 10 Pot Size = 20
Using our formula...
(47 - 3) : 3
20 : 10
So the numbers come out 44:3 (about 15:1) versus 2:1. Should you call?
Of course not.
You're only getting 2:1 for your money but your chances of winning the hand are very slim.
If the hand played out 16 times you would win ONCE. So you'd lose $150 (15 X $10) and win $20, for a total loss of $130.
You're always striving for good odds on your money and good odds on your hand.
Good odds on your hand means the X:X number is as SMALL AS POSSIBLE... because you want lots of outs. You don't want there to be only one or two cards in the deck that can help you. You want fractions like 47:12, 46:10, 46:8, and so on.
Good odds on your money means the X:X number is BIG. You want 10:1, 5:1, 12:1, and so on.
OK, I'm going to give one more example. See if you're smart enough to figure this out on your own (you may need to use a scratch piece of paper)...
You're second to act pre-flop and look down to see Kc-Jc. You limp-in by calling the $4 big blind.
Three other players call. The small blind (who put in $2) folds.
The player in the big blind decides to RAISE the pot to $8. You call. Two of the other three players call... but one folds.
So now there are four players total in the hand... the guy in the big blind, you, and the two other callers. (Still with me here?)
The flop comes out:
What a great flop for you. You've got the nut flush draw.
The player in the big blind is first to act. He checks. You check also (which I would NOT recommend doing here, by the way).
The next player bets $16. The next one calls. The guy who made the original pre-flop raise folds.
So now the action is on to you.
What is the...
Number of outs? Number of unknown cards? Current bet amount? Pot size?
Should you call?
See if you can figure it out before I give you the answer.
OK, so the answer is this:
Yes, you should call.
The pot size is $70. The current bet amount is $16. The number of outs is 9. And the number of unknown cards is 47.
The pot size was the hardest thing to figure out. Remember... the small blind folded his $2. Another player folded their $4. So there was $6 in the middle, plus $32 with the four callers. So $38 before the flop.
Then there were two players in for $16 after the flop, which equals $32. $38 + $32 = $70. Luckily, there weren't any other players left to act after you in this exact round of betting.
The number of outs is simple. Thirteen clubs in the deck minus the four you already see equals nine. And the number of unknown cards is 52 minus the five you see... which equals 47.
Plugging those numbers into our handy "formula" gives us:
(47-9):9 Versus 70:16
That's equal to 38:9 versus 70:16
Now you might be wondering, "How the hell am I supposed to know what 70 divided by 16 is or 38 divided by 9? It's not like I'll have a calculator handy at the table!"
But you don't have to know the EXACT numbers. All you need to know is if the second one is bigger than the first. And that's pretty easy.
When I do it, here's what goes on in my head:
"38 over 9 is about the same as 36 over 9, which equals 4. That means 38 over 9 is 4 and 2/9ths.
70 over 16 is closest to 64 over 16, which also equals 4. That means 70 over 16 is 4 and 6/16ths.
Now I just have to compare 2/9 to 6/16. 2/9 is like 2/10, which equals .2. 6/16 is kind of like 6/18, which is .33. So the second one is bigger."
And that means the call IS justified.
Now let me clarify something...
In this example the two numbers are VERY close (4.22 versus 4.375). Usually they WON'T be that close. Usually they'll be something like 3.3 versus 8.2 or 2.5 versus 4.1.
That means in MOST cases you won't have to do all that fraction stuff. OR, even if you DO have those fractions, you won't need to calculate it. You'll probably just consider it "about even" and make your decision based on other factors.
All right... so that's basically how you calculate pot odds. Of course, there's more.
You also want to know IMPLIED ODDS. Implied odds aren't as math-related. Implied odds basically pertain to hands where you can "bust" or "surprise" your opponents.
In the last example, you were on the nut flush draw, because you had the King of clubs and the Ace of clubs was on the board.
If your opponent was ALSO on the flush draw and he had the QUEEN of clubs, this would be very good for you...
Because if another club hit on the turn, you and your opponent would both have flushes. But yours would be higher.
In this case, your opponent would likely go "all-in" and you would win a TON of chips.
So even though the "odds" on your money are 4.375:1, they're actually higher because of the "implied odds" of your NUT flush draw.
Besides implied odds, you'll also have to think about the "unknown" pot size, as we discussed. Many times you just won't KNOW the exact pot size, and will be forced to guess.
Also... you must be careful to consider what your OPPONENTS are holding...
Let's say you're holding As-5h and the board reads: 8h-Qh-2h
You have the flush draw. And the odds of "making" it are good. But that doesn't mean you want to calculate the nine other hearts in the deck as your "outs".
Because all your opponents need to BEAT you is a heart higher than a FIVE. And someone most likely has it.
The point is, when you calculate OUTS, you want to calculate outs based on making the WINNING HAND.
And obviously there's no way to know for sure what the winning hand will be... unless you've got the nuts.
So as you can see... there are a LOT of different factors to take into consideration.
Calculating pot odds is a useful technique for the right situations. Over the long term, it can become very handy and will help you make sound, logical decisions at the poker table.
Of course, pot odds is only one small aspect of "poker math". There are dozens of calculations you'll want to make at the table to quickly, consistently, and easily dominate online poker.
And the best way to achieve this is with an advanced odds calculator. "Holdem Genius" is the world's most advanced odds calculator... and it's available FREE for a limited time.

Sit N' Go Shark

The following is an article from Sit n go shark website. This product was developed specificly for sit n go tournaments:

"The Fastest And Easiest Way To Make A KILLING At Online Poker Tournaments"
Everyone knows the surest way to make money at online poker is by WINNING TOURNAMENTS. The reason is because you can win large multiples of your buy-in... 200%, 500%, 1000%, or even higher.
In this strategy article we'll discuss step-by-step exactly how I consistently make a "killing" at online poker by beating Sit and Go tournaments. Read on to learn this amazingly simple method...
What Is A Sit And Go?
A Sit and Go is an online poker tournament. The name "Sit and Go" comes from the fact that these games are fast-- with a clear beginning and end. Each Sit and Go has a pre-determined number of players... so once the spots are filled, the game starts.
Everyone in a Sit and Go must buy-in for the same amount of money and starts with the same number of chips.The blinds gradually go up in "levels" or "stages" until one player is left standing.
The payouts are determined before the game and are displayed when you buy-in.
How Many Players Are In A Sit And Go?
Sit and Go's can have as many as 50 players or as few as 2. It really just depends on which casino you're playing at and which type YOU CHOOSE.
A majority of Sit and Go's are single table games with 10 players. In a game like this, the top 3 finishers would place "in the money". ("Single Table Tournament" is abbreviated STT.)
For instance, let's say you want to play a $10 Sit and Go. You buy-in for $10 and pay an "entry fee" to the casino-- probably a buck. All 10 players would start with the same number of chips-- let's say 800. The blinds would start low, probably 5-10. As the game progresses, the blinds will keep increasing to force action. The buy-ins on a game like this would total $100. That money would get split between the top three finishers. First place would be $50, second place would get $30, and third place would get $20...
How Long Do Sit And Go's Last?
A 10-player Sit and Go will usually last between 30-60 minutes. Some casinos have "turbo" Sit and Go's where the blinds go up faster. Turbo games finish more quickly.
A 2-player Sit and Go-- which is really just a "heads-up" match-- will often last a FEW MINUTES before ending.
There are also Sit and Go's with 5 players, 8 players, 20 players, 30 players, and so on. (A Sit and Go with more than 10 players will be played on more than one table. These are known as "Multi-Table Tournaments", abbreviated MTT.)
No limit Texas Holdem Sit and Go's are generally faster than limit Sit And Go's... because the ability to move "all-in" gets things moving.
How Do Sit And Go's And Ring Games Differ?
The easiest way to understand the distinction is to understand that Sit and Go's are simply TOURNAMENTS. Ring games are like "cash games". Here are some of the key differences:
* You can buy-in or leave anytime during a ring game, whereas you must enter the beginning of a Sit and Go to play.
* Sit and Go's have a clear start (when everyone is ready) and end (when only one player is left). Ring games are ongoing.
* The blinds go up during Sit and Go's, so in the later stages you're forced to loosen your starting hand selection and take risks. In ring games, the blinds stay the same.
* Winning a Sit and Go requires a completely different set of strategies and techniques than winning a ring game...
Why Sit And Go's Are So Popular
Sit and Go's are HOT right now. I personally love to play Sit and Go's, because I can often make MORE money and have MORE fun than in ring games.
Playing a ring game requires "grinding it out"...
Playing a Sit and Go is an exciting battle with ups and downs-- with a "do or die" feeling to it.
And here's the best part: When you learn how to master the STRATEGIES for Sit and Go's, you can amass a FORTUNE in winnings! You can predictably and consistently log onto your computer and win tournament after tournament after tournament...
Here's why: Since Sit and Go's pay the top finishers, you don't have to place first to always make money. You obviously WANT to win first-- but it's not necessary for making a profit. I've developed a system of tactics where I shoot for first, but "hedge my bets" to settle for 2nd or 3rd as a backup plan...
How To Consistently Beat Sit And Go's
Because of their unique structure, there are SPECIFIC strategies you need to beat Sit and Go's on a consistent basis.
It's taken me YEARS to "crack the code" on this and figure it all out. But now that I have, I can easily log onto my online poker account and make money... just about every time.
It's a great feeling. And I want to share it with you.
That's why I developed Sit And Go Shark.
The concept for Sit And Go Shark is actually very simple. This easy-to-install poker software is like having your very own PERSONAL POKER COACH.
That "coach", of course, is me.
When you use Sit And Go Shark, the program shares several pieces of IMPORTANT ADVICE that you need to be thinking about at the table-- everything from your cards to blinds to positioning to pot odds and more...
The advice-- which took me over 6 MONTHS to write!-- is drawn from a HUGE DATABASE of possible combinations and factors. It runs alongside your table while you play, so it requires ZERO extra work from you.
I should also point out that online casinos don't mind if you use Sit And Go Shark. As you know, some software out there is banned and dangerous to use... and I would never, ever recommend you to any of these software programs. You can feel comfortable using anything I point you to.
Anyway, like I was saying, Sit And Go Shark is like having me sitting on your shoulder... telling you what to do each step of the way... and teaching you how to handle the situation.
You'll get two main benefits from using it:
1. You'll win more (a LOT more) money simply by following the advice.
2. You'll learn more (a LOT more) about the game of Texas Holdem. You'll even do better at offline tournaments and ring games, even though you won't have the tool in front of you.
Pretty cool, huh?
OK, so that's Sit And Go Shark in a nutshell. To get started now and check out the website, just click the link below:

Holdem Winner

Holdem winner is very similair to Texas Calculatem with a different interface and a few unique features such as a better hands list which helps define specific hands that could beat you. Also included is a What-if Analysis, You can enter hypothetical future cards for the Turn and River position and see how they affect your winning percentages. Also included is the nuts recognition system. It is amazing how often online players fail to recognize that they have the best possible hand given the current state of the board, a flashing warning every time you are holding the nuts at the table. Great tool to use in no-limit games.

click banner to get your hands on this product

Poker Office

Like poker prophecy PokerOffice is as ophisticated tool that allows you to track all of your opponents actions as well as your own game, while you are playing, without any need for hand histories or user input. It stores all of the collected data and brings you summarized statistical reports, spreadsheets and graphs of your own and your opponents play. Major features of Poker Office is a live tracker that downloads hand histories during game play. The PokerOffice Statistics Section Stores all collected data and brings you summarized statistical reports, spreadsheets and graphs of your own and your opponents play. Find out how many times you see the flop, raise, play middle pair on the flop, and much more. A few drawbacks to the program is lack of support for major sites. Poker Office currently supports Party Poker, Empire Poker, MultiPokerIntertops, Poker Poker, PokerStars, Prima Network, Pacific Poker. Poker office also can work slow and stall if your computer is outdated. Click on banner to get your copy.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Poker Prophecy

Poker prophecy is a tool that can really improve your performance at sit n goes and multi-table tournaments. Prophecy collects playing history of your opponents then gives you a detailed report of their playing style and skill level. You will be able to spot all the fishes in the sea then play accordingly. for only 39 dollars you may see a dramatic increase in the number of tournaments you finish. Poker stars is a great place to use this program, Party poker however has issued a statement that any use of this program during game play may result in the termination of your account. BE CAUTIOUS!!!!!!!

Hold'em Spy

Hold’em spy is a tool that has recently experienced a growth in the number of users. This tool has become popular due to the catalog of features in the program. Holdem spy is an automated poker odds calculator that also includes a player tracker. Users enjoy the advantage of reviewing players betting patterns and style. As you can imagine the ability to predict an opponents pattern of game play is a tremendous factor to winning hands and bluffing. Hold’em spy has additional features such as odds of landing a particular hand, pot odds, position advantage, and a decision advisor. However, A negative factor reported by many users is the amount of RAM and processor strength it takes to keep this software running, you need to have an updated computer for Hold’em spy to run at its peak. Very affordable with promotional offers that will make this product virtually free. Cick link below to get your copy of Holdem Spy.

Hold'em Memory

Holdem memory is the first auto play tool that is accepted in online poker rooms. You can set Memory to fold on garbage pocket hands, this feature makes it very easy to multi-task during gameplay. This tool keeps a log of actions taken and decisions made, when a similar situation arises it will then remind you of the prior action you took. This feature gives you a great opportunity to improve your game strategy and earnings. Pot odds, hand odds, and winning percentages are included. Memory also has a player profile customization feature, it is however not as detailed as inspector. At only 50$, Affordability is another great advantage to choosing this program. For a player that is constantly looking for ways to increase profits you can’t find a better tool than Holdem Memory.

Click here

Online holdem inspector

Online Hold'em Inspector is a current leader in trusted software that will improve your positive cash flow in Hold’em poker. This software automatically captures your cards and runs and extensive statistical summery of hand rankings, winning odds, betting odds, and winning hand probabilities. What makes this software unique is the ability to configure a detailed profile for your type of play. This profile can be customized to recommend a specific action in virtually every situation possible. Although, customizing a profile to your preferences can take hours on end, it can offer an incredible winning advantage. If you would rather not spend the time to required to do this yourself that is no problem, users are currently creating cutting edge player profiles and selling them over the internet. Online Hold’em inspector is a great choice but the price is less than desirable. Currently this program sells for 99 dollars and no promotion deal is available to make this purchase more reasonable. But if you decide to buy this product it may well be worth the initial investment. Click the link bellow if you wish to aquire online inspector.

Texas calculatem

Texas Calculatem
Texas Calculatem is the most popular tool used by online poker players. It is reported that over 30,000 people are using this program to assist their poker playing. Calculatem is user friendly with a mini mode option that lets you focus on the game and opponents while estimating your pot odds and winning percentages. Another advantage to using Texas Calulatem is the auto-read feature. The software automatically connects to the server and reads the cards without the click of the mouse. Older versions had you manually insert cards, which made it very difficult to operate.
While coming up with percentages Calculatem takes everything into consideration; odds of you winning your hand, odds of opponents winning, and odds off winning based on opponent’s betting actions. Calculatem lets its users set pefferences on type of play to loose, average, or tight. But even on tight settings Calculatem’s recommendations seem to be a little loose. Nevertheless, It is a great option for beginners and helps keep players focused on all the numbers.